来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-10-15 阅读:次
王全博, 1940年出生,男,汉族,山东省寿光市人。1958年6月选招飞行员入伍,特级飞行员,某军区空军原副司令员,少将军衔,大学学历,中共党员,中共第十四大代表。2000年12月退休。
Wang Quanbo, born in 1940, male, Han nationality, from Shouguang City, Shandong Province. In June 1958, he was recruited as a pilot, a super pilot, former deputy commander of an air force in a military region, major general, university degree, member of the Communist Party of China, and representative of the 14th Congress of the Communist Party of China. Retired in December 2000.
At present, he is honorary chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association, president of Shandong Shunyuan Painting and Calligraphy Institute, honorary president of Beijing Hanmo Dajia Painting and Calligraphy Institute, honorary academician of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chinese Painting Institute, art consultant of China International Artists Association, consultant of Confucius Painting and Calligraphy Institute, special consultant of Lao Wu magazine nationwide, senior consultant of Shandong General Painting and Calligraphy Institute, consultant of China Dafengtang Art Research Institute, executive vice chairman of Xinhua Art Network Art Committee, vice chairman of China Artists Federation, etc.
其作品被“中国文学艺术研究会”邀请出版《国家艺术人物个人专刊》;被“中国艺术研究会”入编《全国书画作品最具有收藏价值30名艺术家》;2012年被“中国书画黄页网”、“中国书画艺术名家研究会”评为文化艺术最高荣誉“中国金蛇奖”,并被聘为首席艺术家;被“中国艺术学会”授予“诗画100大家”荣誉称号,作品被选入《中国艺术大家》国礼珍藏册;2013年被中国国学研究会授予“改革开放35周年文化艺术最高成就奖金奖”;被“中国书法美术研究会” 入选“魅力中国书画五大名家”、“中国顶尖书画”等。2020年被中国互联网联盟授予2020 年度全球各界顶级人物“年度之最”荣誉称号。
His works were invited by the "Chinese Literature and Art Research Association" to publish the "National Art Figures Personal Special Issue"; It was compiled by the "China Art Research Association" into "The 30 Most Collected Artists in National Painting and Calligraphy Works"; In 2012, he was awarded the "China Golden Snake Award", the highest honor of culture and art, by "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Yellow Pages Network" and "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Masters Research Association", and was hired as the chief artist; He was awarded the honorary title of "100 Masters of Poetry and Painting" by the "Chinese Art Society", and his works were selected into the National Gift Collection of "Chinese Art Masters"; In 2013, he was awarded the "Gold Award for the highest achievement award in culture and art on the 35 th anniversary of reform and opening up" by the China National Studies Association; He was selected as "Five Famous Charming Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters" and "Top Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" by "Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Association". In 2020, it was awarded the honorary title of "Best of the Year" by China Internet Alliance.