
来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-10-30 阅读:


Lin Zhuoqun, National first-class calligrapher, national ceremony artist, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of Chinese Couplets Association, member of Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, deputy secretary-general of New Art Group Calligraphers Working Committee of Chinese Calligraphers Association, deputy secretary-general of China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association and Enterprise Artists Working Committee, director and vice-chairman of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee, member of China Enterprise Alliance Art Promotion Association Committee, Deputy Secretary-General of Enterprise Artists Working Committee of China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, member of National Art Celebrities Joint Committee, researcher of Century Hundred Culture Development Center, editorial board of Entrepreneur Daily Art Investment Weekly, director of Shantou Branch of Hong Kong (International) Chaoren Painting and Calligraphy Association, vice chairman of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee Council, calligrapher signed by Information Science Research Institute of China Enterprise Newspaper League, special calligrapher of New Art Group Painting and Calligraphy Working Committee of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, and visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee.


作品多次在北京、香港、山东、西安、湖南、江西等及广东省内各地区展出并多次荣获金奖、一等奖。曾被授予 “ 优秀人民艺术家” 、 “ 中国当代书画翘楚”、 “ 中华爱国书画名家”、 “ 民族正义感艺术名人”、 “ 辛亥百年 · 共和书画名家” 、 “ 东坡书画院卓越贡献者” 、 “ 慈善书画大使”、 “ 慈善爱心人物”、 “ 杰出华人书法家”、 “ 中华当代书画杰出功勋艺术家” 、“ 民族正义感艺术名人” 、 “ 最具影响力的当代书画艺术形象大使”、 “ 中国书画先锋者”、 “ 中华文化传承贡献人物”、 “ 中华民族艺术传承大使”、 “ 最受市场欢迎的百强书画名家 ”等称号。

His works have been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shandong, Xi 'an, Hunan, Jiangxi and other regions in Guangdong Province for many times, and won the Gold Award and the First Prize for many times. He has been awarded "Excellent People's Artist", "Outstanding Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy", "Famous Chinese Patriotic Painting and Calligraphy", "National Justice Art Celebrity", "1911 Centennial Republican Painting and Calligraphy Master", "Outstanding Contributor of Dongpo Painting and Calligraphy Institute", "Charity Painting and Calligraphy Ambassador", "Charity Love Person", "Outstanding Chinese Calligrapher", "Outstanding Meritorious Artist of Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy", "Artistic celebrities with a sense of national justice", "the most influential ambassador of contemporary painting and calligraphy art", "pioneer of Chinese painting and calligraphy", "contributor of Chinese cultural heritage", "ambassador of Chinese national art heritage" and "Top 100 Famous Painting and Calligraphy Artists Most Popular in the Market".



His works have been permanently collected by the All-China Federation of Painters and Painters, Chinese Artists Exchange Society, Hong Kong Huaxia Art Exchange Society, Beijing Hanyi Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Beijing Chinese Art Research Institute, Guanyin Mountain in Dongguan, Guangdong Province and Shantou Buddhist Association. Great achievements have been made in calligraphy artistic creation.



The works were presented to the National People's Congress and published in China Enterprise News, reported by Chinese enterprises, reported by Art Newspaper of national architecture institute of china Art Professional Committee, and jointly reported by China Net to present the works of the National People's Congress, which aroused praise from all walks of life!


中国书法家协会会员证书、中国楹联学会会员证书、中国书画家协会证 书、全国职业信用评价网-人才入库证书、国礼艺术家证书、国家一级 书法家证书、书法高级研修班结业证书、中国书画家润格评估证书、香 港中国书法家协会副秘书长证书、香港(国际)潮人书画总会会员证书、 广东省汕头市澄海区书法家协会会员证书、广东省汕头市中华书画研究 会会员证书、中国国际现代艺术研究中心会员证书、国际名人百科文艺 组委会会员证书、北京中宣盛世国际书画院证书。 主要成就 在全国多家媒体发表书法作品 300 多次/副,多次参加全国官方、群众组织、协会举办的书法展览、书法比赛并分别荣获金奖、一等奖。

Membership certificate of Chinese Calligraphers Association, membership certificate of Chinese Couplets Association, Certificate of Chinese Calligraphers Association, National Professional Credit Evaluation Network-Talent Storage Certificate, National Gift Artist Certificate, National First-class Calligraphers Certificate, Certificate of Completion of Advanced Calligraphy Training Class, Chinese Calligraphers Runge Evaluation Certificate, Certificate of Deputy Secretary General of Xianggang Chinese Calligraphers Association, membership certificate of Hong Kong (International) Chaoren Painting and Calligraphy Association, membership certificate of Chenghai Calligraphers Association, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, Membership certificate of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Association of Shantou City, Guangdong Province, membership certificate of China International Modern Art Research Center, membership certificate of International Celebrity Encyclopedia Literature and Art Organizing Committee, and certificate of Beijing Zhongxuan Shengshi International Painting and Calligraphy Institute. Major achievements: He has published calligraphy works for more than 300 times in many national media, participated in calligraphy exhibitions and calligraphy competitions organized by national officials, mass organizations and associations, and won gold medals and first prizes respectively.



Social evaluation

一个真实的艺术家 鉄画银钩藏雅韵,粗微浓淡漫馨香。 群龙墨海翻飞浪,羡煞雏鸭翼欲张。书法是国学艺术,艺术在于创造。在书法上林卓群老师在写法的同 时,又积极探索、创新其他的笔法,在传承中国传统书法的基础上加入 自己的意境形成中国书法界的一朵奇葩。 观林卓群老师书法墨迹干净,笔法精妙有力,舞动丹青气势非凡, 融入了一定的韵味,不与世人争名利,只与古人攀高低的精神,有着推 动中国书法的文化艺术复兴精神。(中国国际新闻组委会评析)林卓群老师的艺术成就,一是源于对艺术的坚守。书法艺术由来已久,但纵观其演变的历史,却始终离不开某种精神的因素,这种精神因 素,无论是广义上的艺术传承,还是侠义上的个人喜好,都是促使艺术发展的不竭动力。林卓群老师执着于此,便有了不竭的源动力,无论酷 暑炎夏,还是数九寒冬;无论劳作之余还是写书法之间,他总是平静下 来,倾情于笔下的书法世界。在这个世界里,他坚守了几十年的时间。二来是林卓群老师的好学加之良好的师承使得他得以突飞猛进,他的作 品或细细揣摩,或即兴创作,丝毫不曾懈怠。他细心领悟,细细琢磨, 慢慢消化,终得心法。中国书法延续了千年,已经积淀下了厚实的内核,这种内核,不仅 有自身的因素、笔墨技法的运用,更重要的是有法学的特色在里面。他追求的不仅仅是外形的相似,而是尽力的表达出某种内在风韵。所以风 韵的强调和对书法的构图考验着书者的审美境界。林卓群老师的书法继 承了传统的因素。其作品形成精简而意远,墨韵或浓或淡,不乏凝练和 意趣。林卓群老师善学,不拘于宜家,而是对传统和西方的东西兼收并 蓄,从中领悟传统与西方书法的精髓,尽量通过笔法的运用表达自己的 内心世界。他的作品无论从布局、技法,还是意境总能让人读出一种由 尘世的喧嚣到艺术的宁静。 观其楷书有一种君子风度的态度,外表朴实憨厚的他,写起书法来 却给人以清新之感,那种淡雅的心境通过笔墨表达出来让人心中一喜。 他的作品潇洒挺拔,清丽俊逸,切虚心能自持,弯而不折,折而不断,凌云有意的精神,抒发着淡泊、清雅、正直的性情。林卓群老师的内心多悟而易感,对书法的观察和理解都能体现在自 己的作品中,并利用他深厚的功底,大胆的尝试、探索艺术更高境界,坚持艺术创新和传承。创作是辛苦的,饱含着创作激情的背后那种幸福和满足也是常人难以体会的。 通过观其作品的清纯。我想,从俗从纯,关乎本心。庄子在《刻意》 篇说:“故素也者,为其无所依杂也;纯也者,谓其不亏其神也。能法纯素,谓之真人”。法不越于理,妙不超乎真,林卓群老师的确的当今艺术界上的一位真人。

A real artist painted silver hooks to hide elegant charm, which was thick, light and fragrant. A flock of dragons and ink flies over the sea, admiring the young ducks' wings. Calligraphy is the art of Chinese studies, and art lies in creation. In calligraphy, Mr. Lin Zhuo Qun actively explored and innovated other brushwork while writing, and added his own artistic conception on the basis of inheriting Chinese traditional calligraphy to form a wonderful work in Chinese calligraphy. Guan Lin Zhuo Qun's calligraphy ink is clean, his brushwork is exquisite and powerful, his dancing Danqing is extraordinary, and he has a certain charm. He doesn't compete with the world for fame and fortune, but only climbs the heights with the ancients, and has the spirit of cultural and artistic revival that drives Chinese calligraphy. (Analysis of China International Press Organizing Committee) The artistic achievements of Mr. Lin Zhuoqun, first, stem from his adherence to art. The art of calligraphy has its origin For a long time, however, looking at its evolution history, it is always inseparable from some spiritual factors, which are the inexhaustible motive force for the development of art, whether it is artistic inheritance in a broad sense or personal preference in chivalry. Lin Zhuoqun's teacher is obsessed with this, and he has an inexhaustible source of power, whether it is cool summer or nine cold winters; No matter after work or between writing calligraphy, he always calms down and falls in love with his calligraphy world. In this world, he persisted for decades. Secondly, Lin Zhuoqun's eagerness to learn and his good teaching experience enabled him to advance by leaps and bounds. His works were either carefully studied or improvised, and he never slacked off. He understood carefully, pondered carefully, digested slowly, and finally got the method. Chinese calligraphy has lasted for thousands of years, and has accumulated a thick core, which not only has its own factors, the use of pen and ink techniques, but also has the characteristics of law. What he pursues is not only the similarity of appearance, but also trying to express some inner charm. Therefore, the emphasis on charm and composition of calligraphy test the aesthetic realm of calligraphers. Teacher Lin Zhuoqun's calligraphy inherits the traditional factors. His works are concise and far-reaching, Mo Yun is thick or weak, and there is no lack of conciseness and interest. Teacher Lin Zhuoqun is good at learning, not limited to IKEA, but eclectic with traditional and western things, from which he understands the essence of traditional and western calligraphy, and tries to express his inner world through the use of brushwork. No matter from the layout, technique, or artistic conception, his works can always make people read a kind of quiet from earthly noise to art. Looking at his regular script, he has a gentleman's manner. He is simple and honest in appearance, but when he writes calligraphy, he gives people a fresh feeling, and the elegant mood is expressed through pen and ink, which makes people happy. His works are natural and unrestrained, beautiful and elegant, self-sustaining, bent and unbroken, and continuous. Lingyun's intentional spirit expresses his indifferent, elegant and upright temperament. Lin Zhuoqun's heart is more enlightened and susceptible, and his observation and understanding of calligraphy can be reflected in his own works. He uses his deep foundation to boldly try and explore a higher realm of art, Adhere to artistic innovation and inheritance. Creation is hard work, and the happiness and satisfaction behind the passion for creation are also difficult for ordinary people To experience. By observing the purity of his works. I think, from the vulgar to the pure, is related to the original. Zhuangzi said in the "Deliberate" article: "Therefore, those who are vegetarian are also ignorant; Pure also, that it does not lose its god also. It's called a real person to be able to be pure. The law is not more rational, but the wonderful is not more true. Teacher Lin Zhuoqun is indeed a real person in today's art world.


于 2017 年 3 月 20 日写于北京

Editorial Department of China General Administration of International News Written in Beijing on March 20, 2017













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