2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——谢智胜
2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——谢智胜

来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-10-30 阅读:

谢智胜 字愚石,古庐州人,号半砖草堂主人、乐水居士。现为中国书法家协会会员,安徽省书协篆刻委员会委员。作品入选“全国第二、第六届篆刻艺术展”、“西泠印社首届国际篆刻大展”;作品荣获“中书协培训中心十周年成果汇报展”二等奖,“全国冶金系统首届书法展”银奖等全国、省展十余次,出版发行《中华人民共和国建国七十周年》主题限量版珍藏邮册,并被多个专业机构收藏和权威媒体宣传报道。

Xie Zhisheng, a native of ancient Luzhou, is the owner of No.1 half brick thatched cottage and a householder of Leshui. Now he is a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association and a member of Seal Cutting Committee of Anhui Calligraphy Association. His works were selected into the "Second and Sixth National Seal Carving Art Exhibition" and "The First International Seal Carving Exhibition of Xiqiao Printing Society"; His works won the second prize of "Report Exhibition of the 10th Anniversary Achievements of the Training Center of the Chinese Book Association", the Silver Award of "First Calligraphy Exhibition of the National Metallurgical System" and other national and provincial exhibitions for more than ten times. He published and distributed a limited edition stamp album with the theme of "The 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China", which was collected by many professional institutions and publicized and reported by authoritative media.

德不孤必有邻 40x40


Caotang miscellaneous feeling


Yu Xizi was taught by my father; Coincidentally, it entered the printing road again; The teachers are enlightened and gradually effective; At the beginning of the Qin and Han Dynasties, the rules were finished; And involved in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the performance of the court, can indulge so far, due to real interest.


At the turn of the century, during the Renaissance, Yu was eager for art, studying in the art education major of the provincial education institute and seeking advice from the training center of the Chinese Book Association. I have benefited a lot from painting and calligraphy and stone; Appreciate the aesthetics and cultivate the Taoist arts. Asking questions between stones in Linchi, admiring elegance, trying to be strong, being simple and quiet, making complex, getting used to it, making progress hard, and sighing endless.


Nowadays, in the glitz of reality, we can escape, pursue, ask ourselves, or alert ourselves to the life of photoelectricity. Every time we feel it, we want to express our inner yearning and send the situation to coolness with a simple line and empty white.


Confucius said, "People can promote Taoism, but not Taoism.". Since I devote myself to practice, we should also be prudent.

否极泰来 30x30


Brief comment on Xie Zhisheng's calligraphy seal cutting


Wang Jun (Professor, Doctor of Arts, Anhui Normal University)


Liu Xizai, a calligraphy theorist in the Qing Dynasty, said in "A Brief Introduction to Arts and Books": "A calligrapher is like a writer. If you learn, if you have talent, if you have ambition, in short, you are just like a person. " These words are very applicable to understand Zhi Shengjun's calligraphy seal cutting.

咏而归 30x30


Zhishengjun is gentle, but he has a gentleman's style. Therefore, his calligraphy seal cutting reveals a warm and mellow atmosphere as a whole. In other words, he chose a most suitable way to learn from art. Nowadays, many people are becoming more and more impetuous because of the changing situation of the book world and the stimulation of exhibitions. They like to follow the trend of the times and blindly pursue the superficial visual effect, while ignoring the in-depth exploration of calligraphy itself. Zhishengjun seems calm and calm, and has been sticking to his own path for many years, which is not influenced by the times.

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Generally speaking, Zhishengjun pursues the artistic style of finishing elegance. From Yang Yisun, Qian Dian and Wu Dazhao in Qing Dynasty to modern Wang Fuan, Zhao Shuru and Luo Fuyi, and then to Chen Julai, Fang Jiekan and Xu Wuwen, this road has accumulated rich artistic features and formed relatively stable style features. On the basis of absorbing the essence of the works of these predecessors, Zhishengjun gradually formed his own style. His seal cutting works are elegant, exquisite and tactfully moving, and they are ingenious in nuances. His calligraphy works are mainly seal script, and the small seal script is fair and dignified, appropriate and quiet. "Zhongshan King" is often used as the seal script. This style has been paid more and more attention and imitated since Xu Wuwen started it. Zhi Shengjun has his own understanding of this, and he pays more attention to the interest of using pen instead of highlighting its decorative effect, which is very commendable.

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Zhishengjun has been immersed in calligraphy seal cutting for many years, and has accumulated profound skills and creative experience. Moreover, his unflappable attitude makes him have enough concentration and lasting enthusiasm, thus obtaining stable and fruitful harvest.

南有嘉魚 23x23

仁者寿 35x12

易经语 扇面

去时飞雪 归来春风 138x34

惠风和畅 46x46

王冕诗 68x68

杜牧诗 68x68

“铸梦百年”宝武书展有感 180x48x4

论语句 138x34

茶亦书能联 138x23x2

井陶人从联 138x23x2



