2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——苏作光
2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——苏作光

来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-10-30 阅读:


领袖为人民.人民为领袖 宽68cmx高136cm

Su Zuoguang, born in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province in 1950, is a member of the Communist Party of China, with a college degree. He served in the army from January 1969 to December 1981. After changing jobs, he served as the deputy section chief of the Organization Department of Shantou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and then was transferred to the chief of the Administrative Supervision Bureau. In 2001, he was transferred to the calligraphy teacher and political counselor of Guangdong Administrative College and retired in 2010. He should be appointed as a calligraphy teacher of Jinlong Primary School in Nansha District, Guangzhou, and quit his calligraphy creation activities in 2016.

战疫长联 宽136cmx高68cm


功崇惟志.业广惟勤 宽68cmX高136cm

At present, he is the vice chairman of Chinese Cultural Artists Association, vice president of China Future Research Association, vice president of Beijing Jinghua Pavilion Painting and Calligraphy Institute, academician of Beijing Century Painting and Calligraphy Institute, academician of Beijing Global Painting and Calligraphy Institute, academician of Shandong Qubu Hongru Painting and Calligraphy Institute, visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Art Committee, etc. He has participated in the calligraphy annual meeting of general ministers of China's strong military dream Republic for many times, and published many personal works in the media, which were well received.

初心不改 奋斗不止 宽68cmx高136cm

诸书皆精称奇才 笔神墨仙世人惊






苏作光的草书作品,得张旭形,融怀素意,细致高闲,但更追胡公石先生的标准草书,规章鲜明,龙飞凤舞却在格章之内,古风凛然。苏先生草书风格成熟与笔墨独到,得益地其修法之广,求法之严,施法之度,他对草书的参悟非常精到,深悟得道,行笔处,时蹇时蹶,计遂不得,悠乎飞斜,复如醉时狂书。狂倾大斜时,又依然取正,一笔定山河,山稳河畅。端也是他,斜也是他,以端斜交错,营造笔法之美,取笔墨之势,美则悦目,动则灵通。张旭、怀素作草,先得醉酒态,然后进入迷狂状态,纵笔挥墨,以求变幻莫测,鬼书之才。苏作光先生作草书,不迷不醉,其作草心态雅然,用心驱笔,以意施墨,以云淡风飞轻意,现秋风扫叶势,作品虽然也是大开大合,强聚劲散,但是作品的骨子里却是文人心态的端正,于纵横跌宕彰显从容娴雅,文人书气盛,柔人心境,堪称神书。又观苏作光先生狂草《沁园春 雪》,也是于心如止水时,端正执笔,挥笔纵墨,守正于心,笔走龙蛇,大气如虹,观其作如闻惊涛拍岸,也如观钱塘狂潮,其势之勇,势不可挡。苏先生写草书,恰似于帷帐中,手抚素琴,闭目轻弹,便是一曲震心裂胆之曲,闻之观之,错愕惊乱,而又淋沥入怀。



华艺书韵文化传媒有限公司 艺术总监 史峰 2017年3月27日

党魂军魂国魂 中华强大之根 宽68cmx高136cm

All the books are wonderful and amazing, and the world is shocked by the gods and immortals —— Remember the famous contemporary calligrapher Su Zuoguang Su Zuoguang was born in 1950 in chaozhou people, Guangdong Province. I used to join the army, practice calligraphy in the military, integrate the temperament of generals into calligraphy creation, and get a strong and resolute calligraphy spirit at the beginning. Later, he majored in local areas from the military and went into politics. The common customs of officialdom did not affect Su Zuoguang's elegance. On the contrary, he paid more attention to his calligraphy skills, cultivated his personal sentiment with the delicate and elegant calligraphy, and gained both calligraphy and character. Mr. Su studied calligraphy and was good at learning from ancient books. He absorbed nutrition from the pens and stickers of ancient books, studied with great concentration, and his calligraphy level gradually became better. Later, he was employed as a calligraphy teacher and political counselor by Guangdong Administration College. It can be seen that his high calligraphy skills can be a teacher, and his high character can also be a teacher's height. Generally speaking, calligraphers will choose a book style based on their own mind and hobbies. Those who have a flat and rigid mind can choose Liu Gongquan regular script, and reflect their temperament with the correct font and rigid bones. Those who are soft and delicate in heart can choose Yan Zhenqing regular script, and reflect their temperament with rich fonts and tick marks. Wild-minded people can take the wild grass in Zhang Xu, Huai Su, and they are proud of themselves, free from fetters, and pour out thousands of miles of heroic and broad-minded. Most of the world's calligraphy is trapped in human nature, and the single sex means the single skill, so they can't enjoy a comprehensive attack, and each has the pleasure and attainments of calligraphy. Mr. Su Zuoguang's calligraphy is extraordinary and refined, and his interest in calligraphy has been detached from his mind. When the heart is calm as water, it becomes a thousand strokes of wild grass. When you are in high spirits, you can correct regular script. In the light pen chat, the official script can pass on the feelings, and when you raise your hand, you can sketch the seal script and express the spirit. Without being bound by the mind, pen and ink fly by the sky, and Mr. Su Zuoguang is a master of all books, with a penmanship. Looking at Su Zuoguang's works, such as swimming in the fairy palace, the beauty of calligraphy comes into being, which is intoxicating and admirable. First, look at Mr. Wang's masterpiece, two screens, and record Li Bai's poems, "Yellow Crane Tower a farewell to meng haoran on his way to yangzhou" and "bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry" respectively. The two pictures are juxtaposed, looking left and right. They are connected in shape and volume, with comfortable spacing between words, unique composition and unique style. Before the writing, the road is in the heart, and the mountains and rivers are hidden in the mind. Su Zuoguang's cursive works won Zhang Xuxing, Huai Su's meaning and meticulous Gao Xian, but they followed Mr. Hu Gongshi's standard cursive, with clear regulations, while the dragonfly and the phoenix dance were within the grid chapter, which was awe-inspiring. Mr. Su's cursive style is mature and unique. Thanks to his extensive practice, strict pursuit and degree of application, his understanding of cursive script is very precise, and he has a deep understanding of the way. When he writes, he can't count, and he flies like a crazy book when he is drunk. When you are crazy about a big slope, you still take the right one, and the mountains and rivers are stable and smooth. End is also his, oblique is also his, to end oblique crisscross, create the beauty of brushwork, take pen and ink, beauty is pleasing to the eye, and movement is well informed. When Zhang Xu and Huai Su worked as grass, they got drunk first, then went into a crazy state, and waved ink in order to be unpredictable and talented. Mr. Su Zuoguang is a cursive writer, who is not fascinated or drunk. His cursive mentality is elegant, his pen is driven with heart, his ink is applied with meaning, and the autumn wind sweeps the leaf. Although his works are also big and big, they are strong and strong, but his works are correct in literati's mentality. They show calm and refined in vertical and horizontal ups and downs, and the literati's books are full of vigor and softness, which can be called God's books. Seeing Mr. Su Zuoguang's wild grass "Spring Snow in Qinyuan", when he was in quiet inside, he wrote correctly, and kept his pen in the heart. His pen was like a dragon and snake, and the atmosphere was like a rainbow. Seeing his works was like watching the tide of Qiantang, which was unstoppable. Mr. Su writes cursive script, just like in a curtain, touching Suqin with his hand and flicking it with his eyes closed, which is a song that shocks the heart and cracks the gallbladder. When he smells it, he is shocked and confused, but he is drenched in his arms. If you look at Su Zuoguang's works, if you only look at the grass, but don't look at his model, then you will be mad and lose your integrity. Su Zuoguang's regular script is profound in skill and superior in brushwork and ink color. Looking at the Preface to Lanting, the style of Wang Sheng's running script was changed, and it was written in block letters, with only a small amount of lines sandwiched between them. When watching, every word was as handsome as a young man, straight and beautiful, and every word was as beautiful as a pale and beautiful person. Just look at the pen, draw one by one, keep the way neatly, and look at the ancient style. Look at its knot, every word is square, it is restrained, its spirit is full but not overflowing, its spirit is vigorous but not open, and its knot is kept straight, such as hordes, standing like a tiger, without confusion or confusion. Su Zuoguang's Preface to Lanting, based on the ancient method, originated from ancient times, and took his own thinking as gravity, created a new style of regular script, which was independent and amazing. The beauty of Su Zuoguang's seal script and official script can't be ignored. Fang Bi is tall and straight, with a round pen and a cloud of grass, and a sharp pen and golden needle, which is a beautiful work. His official script "Chunhua Qiushi" is rich in breadth, regularity and rhyme, which is an outstanding work of today's official script. All the books are wonderful talents, and the world is shocked by the pen god Mo Xian. I am glad to hear that Su Zuoguang, a famous calligrapher, has won the title of People's Artist, and his name is worthy of his name. Mr. Su has already made great achievements and made great contributions in the book industry. Shi Feng, artistic director of Huayi Shuyun Culture Media Co., Ltd., March 27, 2017

毛泽东.满江红.和郭沫若同志 宽68cmx高136cm

左傅.庄公十一年其兴也勃焉.其亡也忽焉 宽68cmx高136cm

天地英雄气 千秋尚凛然 宽68cmx高136cm

华诞百年续写新篇 宽68cmx高136cm

毛泽东 蝶恋花 宽180cmx高45cm

晋.王羲之.兰亭序 宽68cmX高136cm

七律 望大同 宽180cmx高45cm

家.苏轼.水调歌头 宽68cmx高136cm

四书.大学.第一章 宽68cmx高136cm


毛泽东 七律诗


上一篇:功夫电影《爱上功夫女孩》开拍在即 老中青三代影星将联袂“开战”

