2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——王云仙
2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——王云仙

来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-10-27 阅读:

王云仙,中国著名书画家,国礼艺术家,2020中国当代优秀人民艺术家,中国书画家联谊会会员,中国书画家联谊会创中心主任,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会特聘书画艺术家、会员、理事、副秘书长,中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员客座教授,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长, 中国国土书画研究院执行院长,中国互联网联盟主编,CCTV特别推荐艺术名家。河北人,1958年生,党员,毕业于北京大学和中国政法大学。被中纪委方正出版社聘为高级艺术顾问。

Wang Yunxian, a famous Chinese painter and calligrapher, a national ritual artist, a 2020 Chinese contemporary outstanding people artist, a member of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, the director of the founding center of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, a special painting and calligraphy artist, member, director and deputy secretary-general of the New Literary Group Painting and Calligraphy Working Committee of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, a visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Art Professional Committee, deputy secretary-general of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplets Association, executive director of China National Land Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, editor-in-chief of China Internet Alliance, CCTV special Hebei native, born in 1958, Party member, graduated from Peking University and China University of Political Science and Law. He was hired as a senior art consultant by Founder Publishing House of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.


一笔书 《金福》





《鲤鱼载归凉月白 沽酒唱断暮天青》





① 田黄印5cm见方,琴罢依松玩鹤

② 青玉印4cm见方,天到尽处海作岸





《国泰民安》 长25cm,宽25cm,高16cm


上一篇:2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——佘守国

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