2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——佘守国
2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——佘守国

来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-10-27 阅读:


She Shouguo, pen name: Wild Ferry; Ethnic group: Han; Born in Jishan County, Shanxi Province in 1956. He used to be vice chairman of trade union, senior political engineer, director of Chinese Calligraphers Association, artistic director of China Internet Alliance, and national first-class calligrapher. Chairman of Art Committee of Chinese Cultural Society, Chief Artist of UNESCO, Executive Member of UNESCO Art Committee, Director of World Federation of Literary Artists, Vice Chairman of Chinese Calligraphy Artists Association, Vice President of National Painting and Calligraphy Institute of China, Lifetime Vice President of China International Painting Academy, Vice President of Ink Painting and Calligraphy Institute of China Education TV Station, full-time painting and calligraphy artist, honorary president of China Bayi Painting and Calligraphy Institute, honorary president of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Painting and Calligraphy Society, honorary president and visiting professor of Taipei Imperial Palace Painting and Calligraphy Institute. World Federation of Literary and Art Writers awarded "Person of the Year Touching the World".



In March 2014, he was awarded the "First International Golden Horse Award for Literary Artists" by the International Federation of Famous Literary Artists. In October 2014, he won the gold medal in the World Confucius Literature and Art Award, and was awarded the honorary title of World Confucius Literature and Art Peace Ambassador by the Chinese Calligraphy Artists Association of the World Outstanding Chinese United Association and the World Organization of Science, Education, Culture and Health. His works were included in the list of world literary elites, and he was awarded the Republic Poetry and Painting Meritorious Award and the honorary title of Republic Poetry and Painting Person in the selection of Republic Poetry and Painting Meritorious Award to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. And won the gold medal in the second China Cultural Peace Prize competition. His works were compiled into a collection of poems, books and paintings of the Chinese Cultural Peace Prize, and were awarded to Chinese cultural peace messengers and world peace art masters. In November, 2014, his works and personal biographies were included in the New Year's Calendar of Chinese Art Centennial Goldsmith Gifts in 2015. In December 2014, he was awarded the honorary title of Reviving Chinese Outstanding Culture by the Chinese Traditional Culture Research Association. In March 2015, his works were compiled into the revised edition of 300 Chinese studies in Tang poetry, and he was specially appointed as honorary consultant of Chinese studies Council. His works in 2017 were selected into the 2017 World Centennial Masters Calendar. In February 2017, he won the National Intangible Culture and Art Heritage Award and was awarded the National Intangible Culture and Art Heritage. Won the gold medal of the first China Art Awards. In April 2019, he was awarded the title of "One Hundred Years of Chinese Literature and Art Achievement Award" and was awarded the title of "One Hundred Years of Literature and Art Master", serving as the vice president of the Chinese People's Literature and Art Association. In December 2019, he won the "China Influential Culture and Art Award", and was awarded the honorary titles of "Top Ten Gold Artists Influencing China" and "Meritorious Persons Influencing China's Culture for 70 Years".



In April, 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "the most beautiful painter" in Damei China by the Working Committee of Painters and Calligraphers of New Literature and Art Group of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association. Appraised by the World Outstanding Chinese Artists Association, the International Art Investment Collectors Association and the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Evaluation Center, it won the "World Outstanding Chinese Artists Collection Award-Most Investment Value Award", and was awarded the honorary titles of "Favorite Chinese Artists in the Collection Circle" and "Outstanding Chinese Artists with Most Potential for Collection". At the same time, he was awarded the "Master of Chinese Contemporary Golden Pen" by China Contemporary Culture and Art Development Exchange Association, Chinese Famous Poetry and Calligraphy Association and Chinese Art Golden Pen Award Organizing Committee, and won the "Chinese Art Golden Pen Award". He was awarded the honorary title of "National Cultural Celebrity" by the Chinese Poetry and Calligraphy Association, China Famous Poetry and Calligraphy Network and the Organizing Committee of the Republic Famous Poetry and Calligraphy Achievement Award, won the "Republic Famous Poetry and Calligraphy Achievement Award", and was promoted to the title of "National Top Poetry and Calligraphy Artist". He was awarded "Excellent Master of Chinese Traditional Culture and Art". He was awarded "2020 National People's Congress recommended outstanding people's writers and artists in the new era" and won "National Advanced Worker in Literature and Art". In August 2020, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China awarded the honorary title of "Anti-epidemic Hero in Art Circle". Won the "Great Chinese-Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Literary Backbone", and was awarded the honorary titles of "Chinese Literary Backbone" and "China's greatest painter and painter". Awarded the national honorary title of "People's Hero Meritorious Artist" by the Federation of Chinese Literary and Art Circles. It was awarded the honorary title of "Top Artist in Art Circle" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. He was hired as a visiting professor by the Royal College of Art.

















下一篇:2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——王云仙
