2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——陈振华
2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——陈振华

来源:投稿 作者:管理员 2020-10-22 阅读:

陈振华 , 字慶華 , 别号振华墨人 , 大学文化 , 中共党员 , 现居深圳。自幼学习书法 , 三十多年临池不辍 , 同时研读古典诗词。书体以汉隶魏碑颜真卿为基 , 济于“二王”米董 ,取法张旭、怀素之元素 ,深得诸名家指点 ,能写多种书体 ,以行草见长。艺术功底深厚 ,创作奔放自由 , 法度严谨 , 厚重而不失飘逸 , 灵动而不失庄严。专家点评: 貌丰骨劲 , 味厚神藏 , 不受古人牢笼 , 超然独出 , 自成一格 ; 点画处理富于变化 , 既有传统经典草书高古之气 , 又兼具现代生活奔放跌宕时代气息 ; 笔走龙蛇 , 行云流水 , 一气呵成 , 有飞流直下三千尺之势 ! 作品多次荣获全国书法展赛大奖 , 作品多次被国内外多家艺术机构及个人收藏。

Chen Zhenhua, also known as Qinghua, is a native of Zhenhuamo, a member of the Communist Party of China, and now lives in Shenzhen. I have studied calligraphy since I was a child and have been studying classical poetry for more than 30 years. The book style is based on Yan Zhenqing, Wei Bei, han li, benefiting Mi Dong, the "two kings", taking the elements of Zhang Xu and Huai Su, winning the guidance of famous artists, being able to write a variety of books and being good at grass. The artistic foundation is profound, the creation is unrestrained and free, the testimonies are rigorous, thick and elegant, smart and solemn. Expert comment: The appearance is full of bones, the taste is thick and hidden, and it is not imprisoned by the ancients. It is detached and independent; Dot painting treatment is full of changes, which not only has the spirit of traditional classic cursive script, but also has the flavor of modern life; Pen runs away from dragons and snakes, flowing in one go, and there is a tendency of flying down three thousands of feet! His works have won many awards in the National Calligraphy Exhibition, and have been collected by many art institutions and individuals at home and abroad.



Currently, he is the vice chairman of the National Painting and Calligraphy Committee, a lifelong member of the International Celebrity Encyclopedia, a Chinese calligrapher, a member of the New Art Group Calligraphers Working Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Couplet Association, a member of China International Painting and Calligraphy Institute, an academician of Beijing Renhe Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and an academician of Beijing Huaxia Lanting Painting and Calligraphy Institute. The National Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee and the National Senior Artist Title Evaluation Committee are rated as national senior calligraphers. At present, the work is excellent: the domestic market is 40,000 yuan-80,000 yuan per square foot.


在艺术创作道路上被授予“一带一路”文化使者 , 曾荣获书画中国梦优秀艺术家、全国新时代德艺双馨艺术家、中国杰出艺术家、中国人民优秀艺术家、中国艺术传承大师、中国书画艺术大师、中国艺术大家、新时代全国书画名家、中国新时代书画艺术影响力人物、新时代中国书画品牌领军人物、中国当代书画风云人物、中华书画清廉楷模人物等荣誉称号。由人民政协网、中国文联网、中国新闻网、今日头条、搜狐网等几十家媒体进行报道 , 受到极高的赞誉和关注。

He has been awarded the "the belt and road initiative" as a cultural messenger on the road of artistic creation, and has been awarded the honorary titles of outstanding artists of Chinese painting and calligraphy dream, artists of new era in China, outstanding artists of China, outstanding artists of Chinese people, masters of Chinese art inheritance, masters of Chinese painting and calligraphy art, masters of Chinese artists, influential figures of Chinese painting and calligraphy art in new era, leading figures of Chinese painting and calligraphy brand in new era, man of the hour in contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy, and model figures of incorruptibility of Chinese painting and calligraphy. It was reported by dozens of media such as People's Political Consultative Conference Network, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Network, China News Network, Today Headline,, etc., which received high praise and attention.


师碑立骨 因帖焕神——记著名书法家陈振华

Learning from the Monument, Building the Bone and Rejuvenating the Spirit by Posting —— A Record of the Famous Calligrapher Chen Zhenhua


Ancient Chinese calligraphy pays attention to both form and spirit, especially to God. There is a question here, where does the form come from, and where does God come from? As a matter of fact, the double cultivation of inscriptions can be both physical and spiritual! Mr. Chen Zhenhua, a famous contemporary calligrapher, has honed the inscription for 30 years. His calligraphy is based on the study of inscriptions and rejuvenating because of the study of inscriptions. Therefore, his calligraphy has both form and spirit, and is a synthetic model of character and demeanor!



The law is taught by the teacher! Chen Zhenhua's calligraphy method is taught to Oracle bones and Zhong Ding, to ten monuments in han li, and also to Lanting Preface, four ancient poems and self-narrative posts. Yan Jin Fang Gu is also his teacher! He has a very good understanding and ponder on the calligraphy of the ancient monuments. By chasing the calligraphy of the inscriptions, he unlocked the book secrets and suddenly became a calligraphy sage who did his job by the household and did not deceive others. His calligraphy is very broad-minded, and all the books are completed, and he is superb at cursive writing. You can let go of your heart and write your cursive script as iron dots and silver hooks for Fiona Fang Zhou Bei!



Calligraphy is the core essence of line shaping. Only by holding pen and ink to make lines rich and colorful, can cursive calligraphy be used to create aesthetic images of floating wind, sudden rain, falling flowers and snow, which are resistant to viewing and make people have endless aftertaste. Mr. Chen's cursive calligraphy has a very strong sense of shaping lines. He starts writing, studies and ponders carefully, and aims at writing first, which can shape the external image of lines like everything! Heavy pen drops ink like a falling cloud, which penetrates the paper and is written like a flying beast! A light pen passes by like clouds, and it seems that husband and wife wander! It was a row between the ups and downs of the Feng Yu tip, within a little bit, it fell to the milli mans!



If you want to shape the grass line perfectly, you can't do it without skillful brushwork! Mr. Chen Zhenhua's skillful experience in writing is the result of his ceaseless meeting in the pool. There is no shortcut to practicing brushwork, but it must last for a long time to get the true meaning. Mr. Chen is aware of the writing style of the sages, and his value lies in his perseverance. He has the efforts to be angry when he was born, and forget his meal when he learned. Therefore, he is skilled in writing style, and his mind and hands are smooth, so he can create Jin Shujin characters for cursing. With paper as the array and pen as the knife, it can be seen in one go, that is, it is like arranging clouds in a row, and it will last forever! Swing left and right, such as thunder and lightning, sweeping away in a moment, writing to one's liking, flying empty and mysterious!



The reason why his calligraphy is resistant to viewing and charming is that he is good at shaping the unpredictable brushwork besides the wonderful pen and ink. Eight fronts, left and right. Pitching has an instrument, and the height is interesting. Intended to write first, volley to kill paper. As the autumn eagle fled, it came to Fukashi, and it was unstoppable. With static danger, it is always the full aesthetic tension that the pen has not been swallowed up and the pen has been exhausted. Therefore, the static and dynamic depend on each other, and the actual and real conditions are born together. Calligraphy becomes a book and the Tao is natural!



A teacher's tablet builds a bone, and his post rejuvenates God. Calligraphy needs not only inheritance but also innovation. Only inheritance is a calligrapher, only innovation is a river's lake. In his calligraphy, Mr. Chen did not write the Jianghu style with rough head and careless clothes, nor did he write the exhibition style with arrogant kneading. He devoted himself to writing the solemn atmosphere of the inscription, and continued to write calligraphy and Long Mai with authentic calligraphy forms, with outstanding accomplishments and great achievements!

央视书画评论家 史峰2020年8月3日

CCTV painting and calligraphy critic Shi Feng August 3, 2020










上一篇:2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——方柱生

