
来源:世界名人书画网 2022-03-15 阅读:


Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations -- a special report by Meng Qingrui, a representative Chinese artist


If culture prospers, the country prospers, and if culture is strong, the nation is strong. Contemporary China has magnificent rivers and mountains, heroic people and great prospects. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. To promote the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art and build a socialist cultural power, the majority of literary and art workers are duty bound, shoulder the important task and make great achievements.


The majority of literary and artistic workers should enhance their cultural consciousness, strengthen their cultural self-confidence, actively participate in the construction of a socialist cultural power with a strong historical initiative, adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism, adhere to the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture The mission and task of image exhibition is to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, achieve new achievements in integrity and innovation, radiate a new style in Mingde self-cultivation, display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with the cultural



自幼喜爱书法,曾受名师周玉海、 王书广老师指导,几十载临池不辍,楷习王義之,隶师峰龙碑、刘炳森,行草宗三希堂法帖,博采众长形成了自已的独特风格,在全国书法大賽中获金奖、特等奖三十八项,并获“中国书画名家”、“当代中国艺术名家”等称号。作品入编《中国书法名家精品集》,并有多幅作品被中国书法网选中,设立书法欣赏专栏,作品获省市领导及书法爱好者收藏, 2012年书法作品(鶴赞)在北京中国军事博物馆展出, 受到中央军委副主席迟浩田赞扬并签发证书;当年八月出访韩国,参加丽水世博会书法交流大赛,获金奖、金杯。


Meng Qingrui, No. Zhu Qing, owner of Moxiangxuan, Hebei Lingshou, university culture, senior engineer. Honorary President of Hebei Province of Chinese Mencius Culture Research Association; member of World Artists Federation, member of American Chinese Calligraphers Association, vice-chairman of Hebei Overseas Friends and Friends Association, evaluation expert of key projects of Hebei Provincial Government; retired cadre of Hebei Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

I have loved calligraphy since childhood. I have been guided by the famous teachers Zhou Yuhai and Wang Shuguang. For decades He has won 38 gold and special prizes in the calligraphy competition, and won the titles of "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Master" and "Contemporary Chinese Art Master". His works were included in the Collection of Famous Chinese Calligraphy Masters, and many of his works were selected by the Chinese Calligraphy Network, and a calligraphy appreciation column was set up. His works were collected by provincial and municipal leaders and calligraphy lovers. In 2012, his calligraphy works (He Zan) were exhibited in the Chinese military in Beijing. It was exhibited in the museum and was praised by Chi Haotian, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission and issued a certificate; in August of that year, he visited South Korea and participated in the Lishui World Expo Calligraphy Exchange Competition, winning the gold medal and gold cup.

The Belt and Road Organizing Committee evaluated the calligraphy works of artist Meng Qingrui: excellent artistic level and excellent political literacy. The cultural value is excellent, and it was officially selected as the national gift of the Belt and Road, as a national gift to the heads of state and government of the countries along the Belt and Road. In this way, the friendship between countries will be promoted and the strategic cooperation of the Belt and Road will be promoted.














