
来源:世界名人书画网 2022-03-14 阅读:


Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations -- a special report by Liu Yanchao, a representative Chinese artist


If culture prospers, the country prospers, and if culture is strong, the nation is strong. Contemporary China has magnificent rivers and mountains, heroic people and great prospects. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. To promote the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art and build a socialist cultural power, the majority of literary and art workers are duty bound, shoulder the important task and make great achievements.


The majority of literary and artistic workers should enhance their cultural consciousness, strengthen their cultural self-confidence, actively participate in the construction of a socialist cultural power with a strong historical initiative, adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism, adhere to the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture The mission and task of image exhibition is to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, achieve new achievements in integrity and innovation, radiate a new style in Mingde self-cultivation, display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with the cultural



书法作品曾多次在国内、国际大赛中获奖,如毛泽东诗词全国书画大赛金奖等,曾随“中国书法美术代表团”出访日本、美国,有作品展出及被对方收藏。书法作品还曾在台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国和迪拜展出,并得到好评。2010年,世界艺术家联合会为其颁发 “世界书画艺术家”奖牌及证书。2011年入选中共中央党校“百名书画名家邀请展”并有作品被中央党校收藏。2012年5月在首届中华国粹论坛暨《兰亭序》问世1660周年中华诗书画大赛中书法作品荣获“创作一等奖”。2015年8月书法作品毛泽东词《咏梅》被人民大会堂收藏。近年并有五十多幅书法作品入选有“国家名片”之称——邮票的印制。


Liu Yanchao, pen name: Tie Yan. Born in October 1941, native place: Guangdong. He studied Chinese painting under the tutelage of Mr. Wang Lanruo, a famous painter in Guangdong Province, and Mr. Liang Liusheng, a painter and collector, and basically understood the essence of brush and ink. Later, he lived in Xi'an and studied calligraphy at the same time. Current: National first-class artist, member of China Couplets Association, member of Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute, member of Shaanxi Calligraphy Association, executive director of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association, member of Art Development Center of China Local Art Association, member of Chinese Calligraphy and Painter Association, Beijing Honorary President of the Contemporary Global Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

His calligraphy works have won many awards in domestic and international competitions, such as the gold medal in the Mao Zedong Poetry National Painting and Calligraphy Competition. Calligraphy works have also been exhibited in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Dubai, and have been well received. In 2010, the World Artists Federation awarded him the "World Painting and Calligraphy Artist" medal and certificate. In 2011, he was selected into the "100 Famous Painting and Calligraphy Masters Invitational Exhibition" of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China, and some works were collected by the Central Party School. In May 2012, his calligraphy works won the "First Prize of Creation" in the first Chinese National Essence Forum and the 1660th Anniversary of the 1660th Anniversary of the "Orchid Pavilion". In August 2015, the calligraphy work Mao Zedong's poem "Yongmei" was collected by the Great Hall of the People. In recent years, more than 50 calligraphy works have been selected for the printing of stamps, which is known as the "national business card".

In May 2013, he was awarded the honorary title of "National Gift Artist" by the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association, China Ziguangge National Gift Center and other units. In July 2013, he was awarded the honorary title of "The Artist with the Most Market Appreciation Potential" by the Chinese Culture and Art Promotion Federation, the China People's Art Network and other units. In 2015, the calligraphy works and the Great Wall inscription were selected to be engraved on the cornerstone of the Badaling New Great Wall and displayed permanently; in November, he was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Artist of the New Great Wall of China". In December 2016, the United Nations Peace Painting and Calligraphy Academy awarded him a lifetime academician certificate. In April 2018, the Academic Committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association awarded Liu Yanchao the honorary title of "Master of Chinese Art". In February 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "Meritorious Artist for the Centenary of the Founding of the Party" by the China Internet News Center.


The culture is carried on and the fire is passed down from generation to generation. The art master Liu Yanchao has devoted his precious life to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture and art. Mr. Liu's calligraphy, from the point of view of brush strokes, ink use, layout, and spelling, is rigorous and precise. Not rigid, flexible and not messy. The writing is free and easy, and the ancient rhyme is long and soft. The brush and ink are varied, unrestrained and elegant, with a strong and vigorous energy, and a gentle and elegant sentiment, inheriting the tradition between the lines, and creating the novelty outside the law. It has truly achieved the unity of ideology, artistry, and appreciation, and has both virtue and art. It has the style of a world art master and can provide useful inspiration for other calligraphers to improve their creations. To make traditional culture moisten people's hearts, it will also make Chinese civilization have a long history and be shared by people all over the world.




兴来畅叙胸中气    翰不虚动法正宗







著名书画评论家  田继学


Xinglai recounts the breath in his chest, and the method is authentic

——Remembering the famous calligrapher Liu Yanchao

Whether Zhang Xu's cursive script is better than fat, or Huai Su's cursive script is better than thin, its lofty status in the history of calligraphy culture is not determined by the shape of fat and thin, but because of the extraordinary expressive power of lyricism in the book, which touches People's vision and thoughts pushed them to the peak of mad cursive script. Liu Yanyuan, a famous contemporary calligrapher, surpasses his predecessors and hone his cursive calligraphy skills. performer.

His cursive script pays great attention to the shape of the line movement, not only the grasp of strength, but also the control of speed. The ingenious combination of strength and speed that can be adjusted in the blink of an eye must have been honed over a long period of time. Senior Liu Yanchao honed his cursive calligraphy and learned the true way. The lines are smooth and smooth, he can turn freely, and he can attack from all sides. Therefore, looking at his cursive calligraphy must be the image realm of the wind and the rain, the falling flowers and the snow, and the vastness of the imagery. It not only captures the essence of the predecessors' cursive calligraphy, but also has a profound experience that everything in the world is not cursive. The creation of foreign teachers, the source of the heart, is also the realization of the true meaning of cursive script training and creation.

In terms of structure, he writes cursive script in a balanced manner. Under the premise of a stable center of gravity, he expresses a dynamic structure of looking left and right like Chu and Han are attacking and fighting. Through the adjustment and shaping of postures, calligraphy has formed a vivid, not rigid brush and ink. Exquisite. Or Ling Yuan shudders and seizes in the face of danger. All kinds of structures are originated from nature, neither artificial nor delicate. A stroke is drawn horizontally, followed by a vertical brush, and the vertical brush is sharply dropped, forming a knotted posture of the peak of the cliff, far away. Looking at Zhuan Beng Ya, up close, it is a cunning rabbit that is terrifying and will run away. The flexible structure of this pose makes his cursive script look like the inside and outside of the characters, all of which are full of gestures, interspersed, and natural!

His calligraphy attaches great importance to the change of ink color, and uses the shade of ink to express the vivid charm of calligraphy. The delicate ink color is like a crescent moon coming out of the sky, and the powerful ink color is like a thunder falling stone. When many calligraphers don't pay much attention to the expression of ink color, his calligraphy is not lost on the brush, but also on the ink, and it really is the essence of calligraphy combined with brush and ink.

Xinglai recounts the breath in his chest, and Han does not pretend to be authentic. There are some people who are rough and messy in contemporary cursive script. This is the Jianghu style. Delicate creators have it, this is the exhibition body. Whether it is the Jianghu style with thick heads and messy clothes, or the artificial exhibition style, it is impossible to express the dragon vein pattern of traditional calligraphy. Liu Yanchao has been honed incessantly in the Spring and Autumn, coupled with the wisdom of his talent and talent, he writes calligraphy with rigorous methods, and he masters the method of inscriptions. His calligraphy inherits the charm of Jin. Of course, we can see the style of everyone who uses calligraphy to inherit culture!

famous calligraphy and painting critic Tian Jixue

March 26, 2020

心许翰墨传承风  文化名片显大功






著名书画评论家  史峰



Heart Xu Hanmo inherits the style, and the cultural business card shows great achievements

——Remembering the famous calligrapher Liu Yanchao

Liu Yanchao succeeded in calligraphy and calligraphy, and his skills were excellent because he took a unique and secret path to practice calligraphy. On the road of practicing the art of calligraphy and painting, he first learned the art of painting, learned from famous masters, and fully understood the essence of Chinese painting. The scene is vivid and pleasing to the eye, free and elegant.

Among the calligraphy masters who have made calligraphy skills based on painting skills, there is Liu Yanchao now, and there is also Master Qigong in the future. Qigong and Liu Yanchao have almost walked through the same abnormal secret path of painting books. Therefore, the great creation of Liu Yanchao's calligraphy art is similar to the result of Qigong's great achievements in calligraphy, and it also has the symbolic meaning of practicing calligraphy first.

All books are complete, and there must be unique skills. Liu Yanchao's calligraphy is unique in cursive calligraphy. He carefully repairs stele inscriptions, explores the source and tends to the ancients, and uses ancient sages as his teachers. . In the process of calligraphy practice, it seems that being able to learn from the ancients is not a special thing. On the basis of the ancient calligraphy skills, personal innovations in calligraphy are integrated, so that calligraphy skills can stand on the arms of the sages and continue to write the youth of the times. , This is the power of Liu Yanchao's calligraphy creation ability, and it is also an important reason why he can cultivate secret books and create beautiful works in the calligraphy circle. Watching Liu Yanchao's calligraphy, the pleasing look is light and refreshing. Lightness is the brushwork, and cheerfulness is the heart. The strokes go back and forth, turning around in circles, full of the light and easy method of Wang Xizhi's little drunken calligraphy Lanting, which clearly shows his profound admiration and admiration for Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. He is good at writing like a calligrapher, freehand writing, and easy writing. When he writes calligraphy, he strives to inherit the essence of calligraphy culture. He takes freedom as the law, interprets the law with ease, and his heart becomes handwriting. In addition, Liu Yanchao is a fast A cool person, the quality of the mood is detached and refined, the brush and ink leave traces, and the cursive brushwork creates a refreshing mood. Therefore, his pen and ink are full of spirituality, like the wind embracing the clouds and the willows in the wind, and the emotional scenes are all vivid and impressive.

The brushwork imitates the sages, and it is not easy to decipher the difficulty of using the pen through the ages. It is the core quality of Liu Yanchao's calligraphy. Spring snakes and autumn worms are superb. His brushwork not only inherits Wang Xizhi's unrestrained style, but also has Zhong Yao's roundness, Mi Fu's arbitrariness, and Huai'an. Su Zhang Xu's madness. Holding a brush in hand, it can overturn rivers and seas. The finely crafted brushwork and the controllable macros and micros reflect his calligraphy skills acquired through decades of practice. Being able to write the brushwork to the limitless skill, the pen to follow the dragon and snake, and the realm of perfection, it can be seen that Liu Yanchao's calligraphy is full of virtuous and mainstream calligraphy. Heart Xu Hanmo inherits the style, and the cultural business card shows great achievements. His calligraphy works are very moving and naturally very popular. Many of Liu Yanchao's calligraphy works have been printed and issued as stamps, which have become high-quality business cards that can not only show success, but also promote culture. Writing calligraphy as a cultural carrier and the emergence of cultural qualities, Liu Yanchao's calligraphy can be said to be rhythmic and rhythmic when entering the country.

Famous calligraphy and 

painting critic Shi Feng

May 2, 2018



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