
来源:世界名人书画网 2022-03-10 阅读:


Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations -- a special report by He Dechang, a representative Chinese artist


If culture prospers, the country prospers, and if culture is strong, the nation is strong. Contemporary China has magnificent rivers and mountains, heroic people and great prospects. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. To promote the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art and build a socialist cultural power, the majority of literary and art workers are duty bound, shoulder the important task and make great achievements.


The majority of literary and artistic workers should enhance their cultural consciousness, strengthen their cultural self-confidence, actively participate in the construction of a socialist cultural power with a strong historical initiative, adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism, adhere to the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture The mission and task of image exhibition is to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, achieve new achievements in integrity and innovation, radiate a new style in Mingde self-cultivation, display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with the cultural 







He Dechang, No. Yeke, Qianshi, Banhai Returnee, etc., was born in May 1949, a native of Beijing, with a college degree, a national first-class artist, and a senior art appraiser.

In 1982, he systematically studied the theory of traditional Chinese painting at the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Association and the seminar at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1986, he graduated from the International University of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy and was hired as a lecturer in the Chinese Painting Department of the school. early nineties country

During his work abroad, he studied Western painting at the Moscow Surikov Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1987, he was transferred to the Beijing Tourism Product Production and Supply Company, and served as a professional Chinese painting creator, the head of the organization section, a cadre of the Beijing Municipal Economic Commission Asian Games Office, and the director of the Beijing Municipal Government Tourism Product Leading Group Development Office. In terms of industry management, he used to be the vice president and secretary general of the Beijing Tourism Products Industry Association, and the president of the China-Russia Trade Relations Development Foundation (state-sponsored overseas); now he is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, and the Ministry of Culture China International Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Members of the Association, members of the China Collectors Association and many other members of the Artists Association, professors, consultants, well-known experts, deans, etc.


自上世纪八十年代以来,曾多次在 《北京日报》、《北京经济日报》、《中国报导》、《人民日报》、《农民日 报》、《商业文化》、《中国文艺家》、《人民美术》等市和中央直属报刊 杂志发表,并在百度网、360网、搜狐、新浪、腾讯、人民网、新华网、中国网、人民政协网、凤凰网等国内外各大权威媒体都有大量宣传展示书画作品和相关活动报导。

贺德昌先生已形成独特的绘画与书法风格,广受人民群众喜爱,其在中国画理论与技法创新方面,提出“外功主体,内功主魂”,大散点小 焦点透视等理论,并在山水画中摸索创新出“千石皴”等技法。

1. He Dechang's works, papers and commentary articles have been published in Beijing Daily, Beijing Economic Daily, China Report, People's Daily, Farmers Daily, Business Daily since the 1980s. Culture", "Chinese Writers and Artists", "People's Art" and other municipal and central newspapers and magazines, and published on,, Sohu, Sina, Tencent,, Xinhuanet,, CPPCC, Phoenix Online and other major authoritative media at home and abroad have a large number of publicity and display of calligraphy and painting works and related activities reports.

Mr. He Dechang has formed a unique style of painting and calligraphy, which is widely loved by the people. In terms of Chinese painting theory and technique innovation, he put forward the theories of "the main body of external work, the main soul of internal work", the perspective of large scattered points and small focus, and explored in landscape painting. Innovated techniques such as "Thousands of Stones".














2. Publication of major reviews and publications:

In 1992, the Chinese painting "Gourd Insects" and expert commentary articles were published in Beijing Daily;

In November 2015, the national first-class magazine "Commercial Culture" published calligraphy and painting works in six pages and published a monograph for reporters: "Painting and Ink, Passing Fragrance, Leisurely and Self-Consistently --- Remembering the Master of Chinese Painting, Mr. Qian Shi";

In May 2016, the authoritative national magazine "Chinese Writers and Artists" published an expert commentary article "Natural nature, full of fun - He Dechang's Chinese painting art";

In December 2016, "Chinese Writers and Artists" magazine published Mr. Qian Shi's paper "Several Propositions on the Creation of Chinese Paintings" in six pages;

In January 2017, he published 12 consecutive issues of He Dechang's calligraphy and painting works and editorial reviews and profiles in the monthly magazine "Integrity Outlook" published by Hongqi Publishing House;

In May 2017, the album of painting and calligraphy by Mr. He Dechang was published by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Press;

In November 2018, People's Daily and published an article by Cai Jialin, a famous critic of calligraphy and painting: He Dechang: "Bringing the Books into the Paintbrush is Wonderful";

In August 2019, the People's Daily published a long scroll of Mr. He Dechang's representative work of green landscapes, "The Four Seasons of Jiangshan Splendid Landscape" (length 627cm, width 47cm), and published an editor's commentary article at the same time;

In September 2019, a commentary by Yang Zhenming, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and a well-known art critic, was published on People's Daily Online, Baidu, Tencent, Sohu, etc. on large websites;

In September 2019, "He Dechang's Personal Special Issue Album" was edited and published by Hong Kong Four Seasons Publishing House with a preface.

On December 5, the album "Chinese Contemporary Artists - He Dechang" was published by Huaxia Ink Danqing Publishing House;

In the album "One Hundred Years of Founding of the Party - 100 Artists Influencing China's Art Circle" published by China Art Publishing House in June 2021, nine fine paintings and calligraphy works of Mr. He will be published in eight full pages with articles by famous art critics;


1994年6月 被法国昂地方政府及华人领袖授予中法友谊使者荣誉称号;

2012年12月 被共青团贵州省委授予“关注青少年慈善艺术家”称号;

2014年4月 被中国管理科学研究院经济论坛专家委员会授予“中华知名专家”称号;

2014年8月 被泰国皇室授予“中泰友好终身形象大使” 称号,并由泰国皇室颁发“促进人类文化事业发展杰出贡献”奖荣誉证书;

2014年 9月 被中国公益事业促进会授予“中国公益事业形象大使”荣誉称号;

2016年11月 被联合国世界和平基金会、世界和平国际散育联合会授予和平艺术大赛中国区国家级评审委员兼艺术顾问荣誉称号及聘任证书;











3. Main honorary titles:

In June 1994, he was awarded the honorary title of Ambassador of Sino-French Friendship by the local government of France and Chinese leaders;

In December 2012, he was awarded the title of "Charity Artist Concerned About Youth" by the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League;

In April 2014, he was awarded the title of "China Famous Expert" by the Economic Forum Expert Committee of China Academy of Management Sciences;

In August 2014, he was awarded the title of "Lifetime Ambassador of China-Thailand Friendship" by the Royal Family of Thailand, and the Certificate of Honor of "Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Human Culture" by the Royal Family of Thailand;

In September 2014, he was awarded the honorary title of "China Public Welfare Ambassador" by the China Public Welfare Promotion Association;

In November 2016, he was awarded the honorary title and appointment certificate of the national judge and art consultant of the Peace Art Competition in China by the United Nations World Peace Foundation and the World Peace International Sports Federation;

In January 2018, he was invited to attend the "China Environmental Protection Association" organized by 10 units including China Association for Social, Economic and Cultural Exchanges, China Low Carbon Ecological Industry Association, and European and American Students Foundation on CCTV, approved by the Ministry of Culture, guided and supported by the United Nations Environment Programme. Yu was honored to be selected as the "Environmental Protection-Peace Art National Excellent Instructor Award" at the National Finals Awards Party of the Image Ambassador and China Environmental Protection Star Selection Competition and took the stage to accept the award;

In April 2018, when he was invited to engage in cultural and artistic exchanges and lectures in Montpellier, France, he was specially invited by the famous public Jules-Gates International School as a judge and an awarding guest to evaluate the calligraphy and painting exhibition and present awards to the winners. ;

In May 2018, he was invited to be the invited artist of Hantian Art Network in Los Angeles, USA;

In January 2019, he was invited to serve as a special art consultant of the ASEAN Plus Six Countries Trade Promotion Committee;

In September 2019, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, the China New Media Organizing Committee selected and awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Culture Ambassador" among the people in the literature, art and education circles across the country. Mr. He Dechang not only won this honor, but also won the honorary title. Highly appraised by professional authorities;

In October 2019, he was invited to participate in the public welfare exhibition of veteran cadres of state organs and ministries and famous calligraphy and painting masters. In the collection of published works, Mr. He was honored to be hired as the art consultant of the editorial board;

In July 2020, the artistic achievements of Chinese painting works were publicized and reported by more than 300 authoritative media abroad, and were awarded the title of "Overseas Famous Artist" by the Overseas Media Exhibition Organizing Committee;

In August 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Chinese Contemporary People's Artist" by the International Celebrity Encyclopedia and issued a certificate, which was published and publicized by the CPPCC website.

In October 2020, he was invited to participate in the large-scale online exhibition of famous artists from China and France "Unity to Fight the Epidemic, Overcoming Difficulties Together", and won the "European Honor Award for Chinese Contemporary Art" and a certificate;

On December 2020, the China Internet Alliance selected and awarded the honorary title and certificate of "Chinese Traditional Excellent Culture and Art Master".




上一篇:当代实力派画家刘和生:墨色韵致 浓艳酣畅

