
来源:世界名人书画网 2022-03-01 阅读:


Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations -- a special report by Shi Hongzheng, a representative Chinese artist


If culture prospers, the country prospers, and if culture is strong, the nation is strong. Contemporary China has magnificent rivers and mountains, heroic people and great prospects. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. To promote the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art and build a socialist cultural power, the majority of literary and art workers are duty bound, shoulder the important task and make great achievements.


The majority of literary and artistic workers should enhance their cultural consciousness, strengthen their cultural self-confidence, actively participate in the construction of a socialist cultural power with a strong historical initiative, adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism, adhere to the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, focus on holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture The mission and task of image exhibition is to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, achieve new achievements in integrity and innovation, radiate a new style in Mingde self-cultivation, display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with the cultural creation of self-improvement and virtue, and create new brilliance of Chinese culture, so as to achieve the goal of the second century The realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation provides a strong value guidance, cultural cohesion and spiritual driving force.



Shi Hongzheng is a famous calligrapher in China. From the winter of 1982, he went to Xiantong temple in Wutai Mountain, Shanxi Province to worship kuanxiahuai as a teacher and enter Buddhism. He deeply studied Buddhist classics and Zen practice in the temple. Later, in order to explore Zen, he came to Songshan Shaolin Temple in the summer of 1983 to meditate. During his permanent residence in Shaolin Temple, he became interested in calligraphy under the influence of old monks. During his stay in Shaolin Temple, he practiced calligraphy and studied Zen theory. After his paper on Zen (the role of Zen in people's life) was published in the book "contemporary Chinese science and education anthology" in 2003, his paper on Zen was awarded the excellent paper award in the international paper competition that year. In the 2004 domestic paper competition, he was awarded the special gold award. In that award activity, the third prize winner can establish a national doctoral certificate, but he won the special gold award.


At the same time, his calligraphy was also valued by the old monks of Shaolin Temple during this period. At this time, some old monks told him that if you want to carry forward Zen culture, you must go out to achieve the purpose of carrying forward Zen. So he first went to the county, city and provincial Calligraphy Association to participate in some calligraphy and painting exhibitions. During these activities, he continued to win silver, gold or special gold awards. During this period, he was employed as a consultant by Henan religious and Cultural Foreign Exchange Association. Later, he continued to participate in large-scale national cultural activities and won the silver medal At the same time, calligraphy works are constantly published in national journals. During the calligraphy and painting exhibition of the Academy of calligraphy and painting of China National University in 2013, he was rated as a calligraphy work that can change Feng Shui and issued a certificate. During the 2018 Spring Festival, during the exhibition and auction of the China Federation of literary and art circles in the Great Hall of the people, one work was collected by the state and the other by the Malaysian state. At the same time, he was employed by the China Federation of literary and art circles as the honorary consultant of the gold medal of the China Federation of literary and art circles. I am currently the literary monk of Shaolin Temple in Songshan.


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下一篇:高山仰止 薪火相传——弘一大师黄福海师徒书法集萃展
