
来源:世界名人书画网 2020-12-14 阅读:


Introduction: Cultural exchange is not only an important condition for world cultural progress, but also an intrinsic requirement for promoting cultural globalization and diversity. In order to promote the exchanges and diversified development of cultures and arts around the world, implement the initiatives of the Chinese government "One Belt And One Road" and "building a community with a shared future for mankind", and build a bridge of friendship for artistic talents around the world, this special report "Chinese artist meng zhaofai going international" is launched.


Meng Zhaofei, male, born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province in October, 1957, university culture, Member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the Central Party School with a correspondence major in Political science and Law, graduated from Peking University with a correspondence major in Economic management. In August 1981, he joined the educational work and successively served as teacher, president, education clerk, secretary of the Party Committee of townships and towns, member of the organization Committee, deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, secretary of politics and law, director of the Working Committee of the CPPCC, chairman of the People's Congress and cadres of district organs. In June 2001, he was commended by Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee as an excellent party affairs worker and enjoyed the treatment of model worker in Jiangsu Province.


Since childhood, I have been fond of literature, poetry, calligraphy and painting. I am diligent in literature, crazy about books and obsessed with "Two Kings". He has participated in the calligraphy training of The Chinese Calligraphy Association and Peking University for many times. Xi book with kai, provisional education generation famous; Xingshu more research "two Kings" and Zhao Style, chasing wei Jin, Mo Song Ming; The tablet of Qin and Han Dynasties; Following the example of the right army posts, Sun Guoting's Book notes, Zhi Yong's Thousand Characters, etc., the cursive script has gradually developed into a dignified, beautiful, handsome, and dignified style of writing.


书法创作坚持“情融墨润、字表吾心”理念,做人秉承“修身悟道、志远情高”之格言,平时多研诗词格律,乐于自书自诗。书法作品曾荣获全国各类书法大赛50多项奖,先后被有关艺术机构授予“国礼艺术家”、“全国书画名家”、“百名优秀书画家”、“中国当代百位中老年优秀艺术家”、“中国当代德艺双馨艺术家”、“当代中老年艺术先锋”、“当代老年书画世博功勋艺术家”、“2010中国上海世博会杰出书画名家”、“中华民族杰出书画艺术家”、“翰墨颂元帅杰出艺术家”、“中华文化和谐使者”、“中国文化艺术优秀传承者”、 “最具文化魅力艺术名家”、“中华人民共和国功勋书画家”、“'一带一路'走向世界的国礼艺术大师”、“中共'十九大'提贺艺术名家”、“博鳌中国当代书画十大风云人物”等荣誉称号。

Calligraphy creation adhere to the "feeling melt ink embellish, words show my heart" concept, life adhering to the "cultivate one's mind, lofty ambition" motto, usually more research poetry rhyme, happy from the book from the poem. His calligraphy works have won more than 50 awards in various national calligraphy competitions. Has been awarded the "national gift artist" of the art institution, "national painting and calligraphy masters", "hundreds of excellent artists", "one hundred middle-aged and old outstanding contemporary Chinese artists", "smashing artists in contemporary China", "contemporary middle-aged art pioneer", "contemporary old painting and calligraphy art expo meritorious service", "China 2010 Shanghai world expo outstanding painting and calligraphy masters", "outstanding Chinese national painting and calligraphy artist", "ode to calligraphy marshal outstanding artist", "Chinese culture harmonious angel", "Chinese excellent culture and art", Honorary titles include "The Most Charismatic Artist of Culture", "The People's Republic of China Meritorious Painting and Calligraphy Painter", "the Master of National gift Art from the Belt and Road Initiative to the world", "The Famous Artist of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", and "Boao Top ten Figures of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy".



Lifelong art consultant has been appointed China international artists association, Chinese celebrities art association, vice chairman of Chinese calligraphy and painting academy, vice President of China's Internet union art director, the people's fine arts newspaper club vice President, Chinese painter-calligrapher association, standing director of Chinese academician, vice President of the calligraphy and painting academy, Beijing hanlin academy, vice President of the east, a visiting professor at the Beijing huaxia beihai international academy, member of Chinese couplets to learn calligraphy art research association, China national building research association professional painting and calligraphy art committee, painters John dragon home of the Paris international art center in charge of calligraphy collection signing artists, national calligraphy.


作品入编《世界名人录》、 《中国书法五大家---沈鹏、张海、李铎、米南阳、孟昭飞(龙年珍藏版)》、《盛世中华.金瓯永固---欧阳中石、沈鹏、孟昭飞、南辉作品集》、《孟昭飞、刘文西——中国书画名家作品鉴赏》、《美丽中国---中国当代书画名家孟昭飞纪念珍藏邮册》、《中华艺术瑰宝》、《中国美术编史·1949--2014》、《墨海同舟-—苏士澍、孟昭飞作品集》、《一带一路“国家名片》、《第一文化频道》、《翰墨大爱,艺术抗疫作品集》等近百部优秀作品集册;央视网、人民网、中国网、中华网、新华网、新浪网、《人民日报-文创》、《环球日报网》、《中国改革网》、《中国互联网联盟》、《国际品牌资讯》、《今日头条》、《艺苑天下》等各大媒体予以报道,近百幅作品已被人民大会堂等国内外各大艺术机构收藏。

Lifelong art consultant has been appointed China international artists association, Chinese celebrities art association, vice chairman of Chinese calligraphy and painting academy, vice President of China's Internet union art director, the people's fine arts newspaper club vice President, Chinese painter-calligrapher association, standing director of Chinese academician, vice President of the calligraphy and painting academy, Beijing hanlin academy, vice President of the east, a visiting professor at the Beijing huaxia beihai international academy, member of Chinese couplets to learn calligraphy art research association, China national building research association professional painting and calligraphy art committee, painters John dragon home of the Paris international art center in charge of calligraphy collection signing artists, national calligraphy.



Meng Zhaofei on the Expressive Force of Calligraphy art (Refined version)


To improve the art of calligraphy creation, we must work hard to cultivate the following six abilities and gradually strengthen our mental strength: cultural confidence, cultivation and cohesion, layout and composition, expressive force of pen and ink, emotional regulation and self-examination. To sum up, do calligraphy also like do other business, want to perserve, pursuit, and always stick to the roots of the traditional, ancient no mud, continuous innovation, efforts to develop a strong heart, consciously shouldering the social responsibility of inheriting Chinese traditional culture, the people's yearning for a better art as their goal to pursue, do "someone in the book, the book has to have a text in the book, the book youdao", to create better works of calligraphy to give back to society, to give more positive energy to society!


法贵取上 书必雅正


When you take the book, you must be upright

-- Meng Zhaofei, a famous calligrapher


The art of calligraphy lies in the Xian Gate, and the merit of the Xian Gate lies in the dharma post. Mr. Meng Zhaofei, a famous contemporary calligrapher, honed the way of calligraphy, there are teachers of the sage, take the method as the choice. He deep division two king law, hidden in the law book secret book one by one unlock! He also carefully studied the four legals of the Song Dynasty. Su Huangmi CAI understood the essence of the four legals of the Song Dynasty and explored the essence of the four legals. He combined the song meaning and jin rhyme into the ink and became a sage who could also write freely and make the grass in the contemporary literati.



Mr. Meng's calligraphy is very literati, the reason is not only when Mr. Meng practiced calligraphy, but also in the cultivation of culture. He read the classics, poetry, traditional culture accumulated over a long period of time, formed a strong literary style inside! Since ancient times, the literati drunk calligraphy, Mr. Meng to the cultivation of literati, intoxicated in the study of calligraphy, the discussion on writing, are all ancient and modern calligraphy culture. As a scholar, Mr Is very outstanding, not only calligraphy practice ShuLun research is quite in place, also have a paper entitled "of the heart, the expressive force of calligraphy" ShuLun, self-efficacy, accomplishment from culture convergence, organizing force, ink expression, emotion regulation, examine itself forces and so on various aspects of calligraphy accomplishment and creation but a wonderful experience, experience is the best teacher! Read to benefit is not shallow, can be regarded as a new theory of contemporary calligrapher's style, but also a new book of contemporary calligraphy research, new book spectrum!



His calligraphy is oriented by the study of calligraphy, honed by the practice of calligraphy, with double efforts. Therefore, he not only knows how calligraphy helps calligraphy, but also knows why! The book contains the text, there must be literati calligraphy! Thus, calligraphy can be directly driven to the true meaning of "line modeling"! Calligraphy to write in a stroke between change undulations in the tip, in a point in the non-epistaxis at the millimang! The changing ability of pen and ink is beyond compare, hold the pen in the hand, control in the heart, heart and pen together, start and finish writing, you can write the kaleidoscopic mirror of the mind! With the stroke of a pen, like thunder lightning; Light pen slightly vertical, such as the many front of the summer clouds! Written quite lyric, it is the literati calligraphy book to lyric expression!



Calligraphy creation, the bad quality is the river's lake style! The creation of contemporary calligraphy, especially the works of walking grass, has been swallowed half of the river's lake calligraphy, elegant of the do not exist, coarse head disorderly clothing! The value of calligraphy culture is close to the elimination of laziness! On the contrary, Mr. Meng Zhaofei's calligraphy always has a brilliant authentic quality! The pen has the law, the word has its source, never write calligraphy not into the case, immortals do not recognize the superficial! Authentic quality, reach the book market again!


法贵取上,书必雅正。有法写正宗,以儒雅为本,把行草作品写得天朗气清,惠风和畅!亦有茂林修竹,清流急湍之意!品读这样的书法作品,不由的感怀:书法之渊妙,代不绝人,先生之书格,与众不同,可以一扫江湖书风的丑怪俗气!有此一笔,可以用雅正的书法风气,传承文化的正大气象,也可以让书法经由儒雅的塑造,成为东方审美格局经久不衰的资粮!(著名书画评论家 刘建民)

When the law takes it, the book must be refined. Have the law write orthodox school, take the Confucianism elegant as this, write the walking grass work the day is bright and clear, hui feng and chang! Also has the luxuriant forest repair bamboo, the clear stream rapids meaning! Reading such calligraphy works, not from the sentiment: calligraphy of the deep wonderful, generation never, Sir's book case, different, you can sweep the river's lake book wind ugly strange Philistine! With this stroke, you can use the elegant calligraphy ethos, inherit the culture of the grand atmosphere, but also through the shaping of Confucianism and elegance calligraphy, become the Oriental aesthetic pattern of enduring grain! (Liu Jianmin, famous painting and calligraphy critic)

(注:刘建民, 文化学者 、教授、博士生导师,现任中央文史馆员 ,全国政协委员,中共中央党校兼职教授,北京大学书画艺术专家评审委员会专家,清华大学访问学者,中央国家机关美术家协会常务理事,中国收藏家协会会员,一级美术师,享受政府津贴。)

(note: iwasawa akila, cultural scholars, professor, doctoral supervisor, the central literature and history librarian, the CPPCC national committee, the central committee of the communist party of China party school adjunct professor, Beijing university of painting and calligraphy art review committee of experts, a visiting scholar at tsinghua university, the central state organs artists association, standing director of Chinese collectors association, member of first rate, enjoy government subsidies.)











